As the only airplane design team on campus, we have various sub-groups for any major of any year to join. 

We don’t require members to complete a set amount of hours each week; we want our members to be able to put in the time they can while balancing classwork and any other organizations they decide to be a part of. As a part of our team, you become a part of our family (of plane nerds). 

Want to Get Involved?

Our team is always looking for talented individuals looking to build their design skills.

Learn How to Join

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What Do We Do?

Miner Aviation crafts a fully-functional RC plane from scratch every year for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Design/Build/Fly Competition (AIAA DBF).

With a new year comes new rules and challenges for our team to tackle. No two planes are the same in that regard. It keeps things interesting for our sub-groups to accomplish our goals of creating an aircraft built to win.

Where Do You Fit In?

Miner Aviation helps you develop expertise by organizing the team into sub-teams.

Our groups consist of:

  • Aerodynamics and Stability/Control
  • Propulsion
  • Public Relations
  • Design and Manufacturing
  • Structures
  • Dynamic Systems

What Will You Gain?

Our team provides hands-on experience relating to the aerospace industry.

Our design team functions as a tiny aerospace company with our many leadership positions that are broken down between the executive officers and sub-group leads. Whether you decide to have a position or not, you will gain not only applicable knowledge within your degree but also gain plenty of soft skills through working with fellow team members.

What Sets Us Apart?

We provide a unique and fun atmosphere for students of all majors and years that are passionate about aircraft. We don’t limit people based on their major or year, we believe everyone is capable of achieving great things within our team.

Since our competition changes rules and missions every year, we have to come up with an original design each season. There’s no improving the same design from a previous year; this allows a ton of creativity to flow within the first couple months of the design process.

Miner Aviation believes we’re the best because of these reasons, and a lot of younger members appreciate our approach to how we welcome them onto our team. It’s important to make mistakes and foster self-improvement to us.

Have a Question?

We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions about our team, team expectations, or how to join, please contact us at


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